How to monitor JivoChat events through Google Analytics

Included for free in plans

Note: As of July 1, 2023, Universal Analytics default properties will no longer process data. Customers will see their Universal Analytics reports for some time after that date, however, new data will only be transmitted to Google Analytics 4  properties (the next generation of Analytics, which brings new reporting capabilities and exploration).

To migrate from Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4, click here

Steps of this tutorial:

  1. How to monitor JivoChat events in Google Analytics
  2. How to set goals in Google Analytics
  3. Description of events available in Google Analytics
  4. How to use Google Tag Manager (GTM)
  5. Google Analytics and JivoChat Visitor Dashboard

How to monitor JivoChat events in Google Analytics#

With the new updates, JivoChat events are passed to Google Analytics 4 automatically. However, if you want to track conversion using goals, this will already need to be set up additionally.

To view the events you need:

  1. Sign in to your Google Analytics account.
  2. Go to tab "Reports" → "Engagement" → "Events".
  3. In the event categories, select "JivoSite".

You should see the following:

If there are no events in the "Events" section, make sure you are using a professional or trial version of JivoChat, this can be checked in the JivoChat dashboard under "Billing".

Also, if you use Google Tag Manager, you will need to make additional settings described in this guide. Keep in mind that there is a delay in displaying statistics in Google Analytics, it can take up to 72 hours to appear on your dashboard.

How to set goals in Google Analytics 4#

As already mentioned in this tutorial, JivoChat automatically sends events about the user's interaction with the chat to Google Analytics 4. To do this, all you need is a counter on the website and a professional license on JivoChat.

Event statistics can be viewed in the "Reports" - "Engagement" - "Events" section.

*Important: If it hasn't appeared yet, check the "Realtime" option. Search for "JivoSite" and you will see the event in the same way inside the session.*

To access JivoChat's events, click on the "JivoSite" parameter and select the "event_action" item from the drop-down list as the parameter for displaying the data. A list of events and the number of times they were triggered in the last 30 minutes will be displayed. This way, you can test JivoChat's integration with Google Analytics by checking that events are being sent.

To only track certain events, you can add them as targets.

To do this, go to the "Configuration" - "Events" section and click on the "Create event" button.

In the settings, specify the name of the event that will be displayed in reports. When using a phrase, you must add a hyphen ( - ) or underscore ( _ ) instead of a space.

As conditions, we prescribe 2 parameters:

  1. event_name- JivoSite.
  2. user_gave_contacts - ID of the event we want to register, for example Chat established. A complete list of identifiers and their description is available in the first part of the manual.

If necessary, you can mark the created event as a conversion by activating the corresponding button.

Now, the created target event will be displayed in the "Reports" - "Engagement" - "Events" or "Conversions" session.

Note: Keep in mind that data in Google Analytics reports may not appear immediately. Applying settings for newly added events can take from a few minutes to several hours.

Description of events available in Google Analytics#

Chat established - A conversation has been started between a visitor and an operator. This event is recorded when an operator accepts a new conversation notification on their computer/mobile device. This occurs in the following cases:

  • When a customer sends a chat message after receiving a proactive invite and the operator clicks Reply in the operator app;
  • When a customer manually clicks on the chat widget and sends a message in the chat without having received a proactive invitation and the operator clicks Reply in the operator application;
  • When an operator manually initiates a conversation with a customer using the "Start Conversation" button in the application's visitor monitor. Note that, in this case, a response from the visitor is not required, that is, it is possible to receive this event without having an indication of it in the statistics of chats and files within the JivoChat panel, as we do not keep conversations in which there were no messages from a Visitor.

Chat requested – A visitor manually clicked on the chat widget. This event does not represent chat starts, only clicks on the chat widget.

Proactive invitation accepted – A visitor accepts a proactive invitation by sending a message in response. On mobile devices, this event is sent upon clicking the chat button after receiving a proactive invite.

Proactive invitation rejected - A visitor closes the proactive invitation window by clicking the "X" in the chat widget.

Proactive invitation shown - A proactive invitation was sent to a visitor.

Offline form shown - An offline contact form was shown to the visitor when there were no operators online.

Offline message sent - A visitor sent an offline message.

User gave contacts during chat - A visitor filled in the contact form in the online chat window.

Callback invitation shown - The callback request form opened automatically for the visitor triggered by an automatic activity.

Callback requested - The visitor clicked the "Call me" button on the callback request form.

Callback button - The visitor opened the callback request form on the desktop version of the website by clicking on the external callback button, located above the widget, or on the omni channel callback option, displayed when the user hovers the mouse over the widget.

Mobile call - The visitor clicked on the omni channel option "Call (phone number)" or requested a callback on the mobile version of the site.

In-chat email form shown – A visitor received the email order form in chat via the Automated Activities system.

In-chat email form submitted - A visitor filled out the email request form in the chat, sent by the Automated Activities system.

Continue in FB - A visitor has clicked the "Continue via Facebook" button.

Client initiates chat - A visitor manually initiated a chat without having received a proactive invitation.

Client answer on agent request – An operator manually initiated a chat through the visitor monitor and the visitor responded to the message sent by the operator.

Prechat phrase clicked — customer initiated a chat from a prechat button.

How to use Google Tag Manager (GTM)#

If you use Google Tag Manager to control Google Analytics and you are unable to view JivoSite events, check the following settings in the Google Analytics container and make the necessary changes.

Access the Google Analytics 4 container settings, then:

  1. Click on "Tags"
  2. Later, click on what is written in the indication "Name"

Click on the pencil symbol:

Then configure the events inside the GA4 option

For "Google Analytics: GA4 Setup" option, go back to Analytics Dashboard -> Click "Property Settings" -> Copy Metric ID

Then return to GTM and paste the ID -> Then click "Save"

Why might Google Analytics stats be different than JivoChat's visitor dashboard?#

Google Analytics shows data based on the last 30 minutes, even in the "Realtime" option. On the other hand, in our JivoChat panel we show the access of who is on your site at that exact moment. In addition, other reasons may impact:

  1. You are in the free version of our chat.
  2. You have 2 or more Google Analytics codes on your website, so our events are being sent to another counter. If this is your case, our technical support team can help you in the chat at

Official reasons why stats may be incorrect (Reported by Google support team)

  1. Incorrect installation of Google Analytics counter code: some browsers may ignore/block javascript codes (Google Analytics code is in javascript).
  2. Counter codes are installed at the end of the HTML page: if the user clicks stop in the browser and does not finish downloading the page, or closes it before it has fully loaded, the access will not be counted in Google Analytics.
  3. Ads blocking tools: can block Google Analytics.

Therefore, some errors may occur in the displayed data. The most accurate number of chats can be found in our visitor panel. You can use Google Analytics for a more comprehensive view of the statistics.

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